Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Shower Curtain-Curtains

Where the magic happens?
Why are curtains so expensive?  I drove all over town looking for pretty curtains that weren't shiny (ugh, too formal!) and found nothing.  Even the sweet sales lady in the JC Penny's Curtain Department told me that I shouldn't get my hopes up for modern, non-shiny, affordable curtains.

Well, I had to go by Target to pick up some shoelaces and decided to check out their curtain section.  Nothing.  I meandered around the store (I really should stop dawdling) and found myself on one of the bathroom aisles.  And there they were -- my beautiful, perfect, not shiny but a little funky (shower) curtains.  A few cutain clips and volia -- my problem is solved.  No longer will the neighbors and their 5 back porch lights that they keep on ALL NIGHT LONG (no joke -- 5 lights!) keep me from getting the beauty sleep that I so desperately need.  And my house doesn't look like I'm the grand dame of formal draperies.  So really, that is just great.

But, as I wrote to my friends on my facebook page, "if you come to my house and have the sudden urge to take off your clothes, its probably the shower curtain-curtains causing that."

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