Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Lovely Camel Humps

Tomorrow I'm going to my Synagogue's annual food festival, and I'm really excited about petting the camel that is going to be there (I'm told her name is Rivka), so I thought I would share this page about riding camels. The blue background still throws me off (I like a clean white background usually, but I also like to experiment, so there you go) but I think its pretty cute and it went together super fast. And, HELLO, riding a camel! That is the important part! My camel riding partner was awesome -- a natural. I, on the other hand, was awkward and often afraid for my life. The camel behind me in the camel caravan kept eying my tush and wanting to give it a little nibble, I swear.  Next time I ride I camel, I'm in front!

As you can see, though, I'm L-O-V-I-N-G loving the Sketchbook collection by Amy Tangerine.  If I could just use one collection for the rest of my life my pick at this moment (and not saying that this would never change, because, you know, things change) would hands down be Sketchbook. I want to hold its hand and run through fields with it.  I want to invite it over for dinner and giggle over bad puns with it.  And we'll invite our friend Tape, too.  And glitter.  Glitter is always invited.

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